Yurt Home Reliability: Can Yurt Be a Permanent Home?


Yurts have come a long way. Their 3,000-year history has proved to provide temporary and permanent shelter for different groups through its timeline. So there are a few things to square off for it to be considered a permanent home.

A yurt can be a permanent home/semi-permanent if it is well-structured, weatherproofed, and has the appropriate electrical and sanitation systems. Especially if they are erected on permanent foundations.

They were built and used primarily in Eurasia, Mongolia and many other parts of the world as permanent homes, usually made of pine logs covered with reed mats. However, modern yurts can be made from different materials, like a metal frame, and can be used for a variety of purposes, like camping or as temporary homes.

If you are interested in using a yurt as your primary home, then read on for all of the pros and cons that you should be aware of before deciding to buy or lease one.

It’s now been over five years since we bought our first yurt. The initial purchase was also the most expensive one we have ever made, but it turned out to be one of the best investments. We are constantly amazed by its durability and value, and we can’t imagine living any other way. It is more than just an eye-candy item on the wall (and even that is worth something – it has a very nice look).

It is a real asset for us; not just because of its practicality, but also because it provides us with a home in which to cook our food and do other things together. It also lets us customize our space with various configurations and live a mortgage-free life.

One of the biggest misconceptions about permanent yurt is that they are not sustainable. However, with a little bit of know-how and good planning, we can make them more affordable and even more environmentally friendly.

Pros and Cons of Yurt Living

Yurt is a versatile housing option, particularly when it comes to how people live in them. But it can also be a temporary home.

With the width and height of yurts, very few places are perfect for everyone. Some people want a separate bedroom, some want their kitchen space and some want their living area to be the center of attention.

As far as yurt’s history goes, they are still common today and in the last few years, their popularity has been resurgent. Modern yurt, in recent times, uses more durable fabric and better constructing materials as compared to lightweight traditional yurts. As such, it offers several advantages over traditional buildings.

Yurts are a great solution for people who live in remote areas or want to spend some time in the bush for several reasons:

1. Saving money – Yurts are one of the cheapest options you can get and you can expect them to last for 8-20 years without major repairs.

2. Flexibility – Yurts are very flexible in so many different ways and allow you to have your life on the go with minimal effort.

3. Comfort – Yurts are cheap and they have enough space, warmth, and shelter to make them great places to be.

While a yurt can be a great house for the wilderness or a great shelter, there are several problems that can come with them:

1. Plumbing and Electrical – Even the prettiest of yurts are not going to have a constant supply of fresh water, a sink, and an electrical outlet. These basic amenities have to be well-thought when you set up your yurt and as you continue to use it.

2. Space – Smaller yurts don’t have much room to partition, so there will be a lack of privacy when it comes to your personal space if you have a large family. You can check out our post on yurt partitioning ideas here or how to erect partition for your yurts here.

3. Pest Control – Pests will easily find their way into your yurt and begin infesting if preventive measures are not taken. There are a number of different remedies you can use, from harsh detergents to toxic baits, but it’s best to keep them out completely.

We’ve also seen that they can be great homes when they don’t leak or start filling up with water (or snow), but that is something that should be inspected carefully before purchasing a yurt, as it can take quite some time (if at all) for water issues to become fixed! Our yurt did a pretty good job at handling various harsh weather elements it was thrown at.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Yurt?

When we were planning our first yurt, we did a lot of research and we found a pretty affordable yurt kit. It came with an approved plan and included everything you needed to build the yurt step by step. It also came with a set of diagrams that explained how to build the yurt and a few other tips for making it last as long as possible. We also included a set of extra constructions materials so that if we ran into any issues, we could easily reinforce our yurt.

Compared to other housing options, yurts are pretty inexpensive to build. You can buy a kit that includes everything you need to get started.

Unless you wish to build a custom design on your own, this may be the way to go. A yurt kit may cost you a little more than custom designs but saves you the trouble of having to procure all the materials yourself. Plus, the yurt manufacturer will be able to give you assurance about your zoning and building regulations.

In the end, the price is based on the square foot and height of the yurt. Depending on its size, you can expect the yurt to cost $10,000 to $40,000. If you want to add an extra layer of insulation, it will cost you a bit more. Let’s take look at the yurt components and their approximate cost.

Basic Components100 sqft cost800 sqft cost
Base + load package$10,000$25,000
Top + wall insulation$1,000$3,500
Door + frame$900$1,300
Additional upgrades
Center ring/Dome$100$600
Stovepipe outlet + shield$100 per unit$100 per unit
Door + window cover$200 + $300 per unit$200 + $300 per unit
Door + window awning$200 + $300 per unit$200 + $300 per unit

The basic components might already include snow/rain kits, rafters and the center pole. It is best to check with your supplier to see which components might require additional cost before finalizing your purchase. Of course, the price will rocket if you choose to incorporate custom elements such as framed windows, french doors and other fancy additions.

One of the great things about building a yurt is that it is very easy to erect. All you need is a couple of days, a little patience, and a lot of good, old-fashioned hard work.

Can You Live in a Yurt Legally?

Your building codes are rules that govern the placement and construction process of homes in your region. The codes set standards for building materials, structural integrity, required building features (from an electrical use to a water supply), fire safety requirements, and time limits on staying in a home before it must be torn down or disassembled.

1. Yurts are registered under federal and state statutes permitting their use in specific areas of the country (mostly coastal) where building codes permit the construction of a non-structural addition to an occupied structure often called “room additions”. Anywhere that you are located, it is safe for you to build your yurt with no further permits or certifications required locally; however, some states may require other permitting such as mechanical/electrical work.

2. In most building permit areas, building a yurt for yourself does not require a permit. You still may want to check with your local building department before you go that extra step, though, if the process is much more difficult than it should be- or anywhere near as easy as they make it sound on their sites and social media pages.

3. Yurt has been considered a permanent structure as well as a temporary structure by the government in different states/countries. In some areas, it’s illegal to build or transport yurts if you don’t have a permit for permanent structures like concrete buildings made up of iron and bricks because this type of work does not qualify for obtaining the permit from the State Building Codes Enforcement Department until you can prove that you are authorized to construct such type of building and verify that your construction will not fall into the category of illegal alterations.

In other words, if you’re building a yurt primarily for personal use and intent on keeping it there permanently, it’s important to consult with your state building department to make sure you comply with your country building code.

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