The Ultimate Pest Control Guide For Shipping Container Home

pest fogging

The shipping container home is a popular way to live and enjoy a home that you can’t find in your current living arrangements. If you are looking for a way to make your shipping container home a more permanent place, there is no better option than to keep it pest-free.

A pest infestation can be devastating to your health and it may also affect the structural integrity of your home. If you want a happy and healthy shipping container home, then it is critical that you deal with this pest problem.

If you have pest infestation problems in your shipping container home, this article teaches you tips on how to keep your container home pest-free.

Ready? Let’s dig in…

6 Tips To Keep Your Shipping Container Home Pest-Free

Prevention is much more important than detection. Detection is good, but prevention is better. Preventing any pest infestation is much easier and cheaper than exterminating. Here are 6 ways I find it useful and I hope it works for you just as it did for me.

  1. Insect mesh – Make sure that there is no way for pests inside your shipping container house (such as holes) that allow them into an area of your home. You can install an insect mesh that prevents pests from getting in especially in places with small openings like your roof soffit, vents and elevated foundations.
  2. Get rid of clutter – If there is too much clutter in your container home, insects will be attracted to it and will move in – especially if you’ve bought ‘tidy’ products that don’t clean properly or have a messy surface (such as furniture). Avoid buying things that shift around too much; if you have a mattress that moves around because it’s being used for storage, then this could be a problem for ants and other insects moving between areas within the container home (since there is no access). To prevent this from happening, keep things tidy by storing items on shelves or under floorboards instead of on bed frames or beds themselves (if there is any such thing).
  3. Seal vents – Often times when taking down portable homes some people leave air ventilators open so that bugs can get in; however this doesn’t keep all unwanted critters out (and even opens up a door for more unwanted critters; I hear about all kinds of problems like mice getting into kitchen areas which aren’t normally accessible because the vent has been left open) so closing off vents should be considered as well!
  4. Clean and disinfect – Keep your container home clean by cleaning all surfaces and keeping it dry. Make sure that all of the surfaces are clean and disinfected regularly; including the floor, walls, ceiling, etc. 
  5. Alternative non-chemical methods include heat and CO2 treatments – Depending on the situation, you can use heat to kill pests and CO2 to repel them; however, these methods are only really effective if you have a small infestation of pests and you need to get rid of them fast. If you have a larger infestation then you should consider chemical treatments instead.
  6. Keep all food and drinks in containers – If you have any food or drinks stored in glass containers, then make sure they are stored in a dry place away from pests.

4 Ways To Eliminate Pest Infestation In Your Shipping Container Home

pest control

1. Bait Station

A bait station is an effective way to get rid of pests while making sure that children and pets don’t come in contact with it.

You can put a bait station anywhere in your container home, but it’s best to place it somewhere where pests are likely to go. For example, you can put it near a door, window, or a crack in the wall.

2. Bug Zapper

Buy a big bug zapper like bug zapper Pro or BugZap and put it somewhere outside your shipping container home that is visible from inside so as not to scare off any bugs from coming inside.

3. Non-toxic Pesticides

Advisable to use non-toxic pesticides and make sure there are no harmful chemicals that can cause damage to your home or its inhabitants. Read the label on all the products you use; and follow all safety rules when applying them.

4. Alternative non-chemical methods include heat and CO2 treatments

Depending on the situation, you can use heat to kill pests and CO2 to repel them; however, these methods are only really effective if you have a small infestation of pests and you need to get rid of them fast. If you have a larger infestation then you should consider chemical treatments instead.

Here are some common materials/items you should avoid

Pests are attracted to certain materials and furniture. They can be a nuisance in the home, but they can also pose a health risk. Some common materials that attract pests are:

Wooden furniture

Wooden furniture is a great material for making furniture, but also one of the most common materials for pest infestations. It is important to make sure that wooden furniture is stored away from pests or is treated with an appropriate pesticide.


Carpets are another common source of infestations in shipping container homes. They are not usually a problem when they are new, but if they are old, then they can be a source of infestations. Make sure that you vacuum the carpet regularly and throw away any items that start showing signs of infestation.

Old Clothes and Unused fabrics

Clothing and fabrics is another common source of pest infestations. They love to feed on all types of fabrics, especially clothing and bedding. If you have clothing or bedding that is infested with pests, then it is best to get rid of it. However, if you have no other choice, then you should make sure that you clean the items thoroughly by vacuuming them.

Indoor Plants

Plants are a great source of food for many pests. They love to eat the fruits and seeds of plants. It is important to make so sure that you are keeping your plants well-trimmed and watered.

Final Thoughts:

All in all, pest control is an important part of any home. Pests can be a nuisance and they can also pose a health risk. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you treat them early. The earlier you treat them, the easier it will be to remove the pests from your home.

You can try to get rid of them yourself using these tips, however it’s always best to call a professional pest control company. They will be able to come to your home and inspect the situation, and then they will be able to provide the best solution. 

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this article!

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