18 Income Sources Ideas For Living Off-Grid

Income ideas

The world of living off-grid is becoming more and more popular. The number of people who are looking to live off the grid has dramatically increased, and it is no wonder why.

People around the world are doing it for multiple reasons, including environmental reasons, to eliminate their carbon footprint. However, the biggest problem with homesteading or living off the grid is your sources of income.

Should you set up your own business? What new career is viable off-the-grid?

This will be a great guide for those who are interested in the different off-grid income sources. As well as, those who are looking for an alternative way to live their lives and make themselves happier than living in overcrowded cities.

For me, I’d like to have the option to work remotely as well as task-based gigs rather than a traditional 8-5 job. This article will give you ideas on the different online and traditional income sources that are available off-grid.

Basic Tips for Off-Grid Living

Before embarking on your off-grid life, you should have a good understanding of the basics to be self-sufficient. To create self-sufficiency, it is important to have a handle on all aspects of the lifestyle. Obtaining self-sufficiency can be very rewarding in many ways.

The first thing you’ll need to do is to understand that there are many different ways to make money. You can earn money by being self-employed, working for someone else, selling goods or services, or even doing odd jobs.

Maybe open up a small business, doing the things you love… Or using the handy skills you have acquired during your time working for others to earn a living. I know it is not as easy as it sounds but opening yourself up to new opportunities will open up many new doors and expand your skills.

There are many different ways to earn money from both online and traditional income sources from your homestead.

Nevertheless, you need to understand that living off-grid is a lifestyle, not a vacation.

It is a lifestyle that requires you to be responsible for your own well-being.

Determine your budget and have enough money for any unexpected rainy days, the last thing you want is to find yourself in a situation where you’re in debt.

Hope you take these factors into consideration when choosing to become an off-grid homesteader!

*Before reading on, this is a disclaimer that seeking financial advice from a professional would be recommended before making any major financial decisions. We are not providing professional advice, but rather we are trying to provide you with information to help you make your own decisions.*

Online Income Ideas

The internet can be a great way to make money while enjoying the off-grid lifestyle. There are many different ways to make money online.

The best way is to just explore the different options and find out what makes sense for you.

One of the best things about online sources is that you can work from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection!

Here are some of the ways that you can make money online:


When it comes to e-commerce, you can sell your own products, sell other people’s products, or even sell affiliate products. You can sell your own books and clothes and even sell your own crafts.

Many people choose to go into e-commerce as a way to earn money online. As a result, they are able to make a living off their hobby.

Write An eBook

With the growth of the eBooks market today, there has been an increase in the number of readers and this has fueled an increase in the sale price of books. On the other hand, it is important to understand that writing an eBook can be time-consuming and requires a lot of hard work.

However, if you have the right idea and are willing to put in the work, you can make a decent living by writing an eBook.

Social Media

Social media can be a great place for you to find tons of income opportunities for off-grid living. You can make money by sharing your expertise with your community, whether it is on a video, podcast or other social media platform.

There are lots of mediums out there such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. So you need to be creative and keep searching for new content to connect with your followers.

Web Developer

If you have a background in web development, you can start your own web development online business. You can build websites and do custom web development for clients.

You can start by taking up freelance jobs to build your portfolio and eventually start your own web development business.


Podcasting is a great way to share your expertise with your community. You can use a platform like Spotify or iTunes to create and upload your podcasts.

As an example, you can record your voice in a studio and upload it to iTunes and get a podcast listing. This is a great way to create a podcast if you have a great topic and you are knowledgeable in that topic, this in return will build your audience and become known in your niche.


You can blog about a topic that you are passionate about or that you have expertise in and then share that information/guides you have for readers.

Blogging can be done on a platform like WordPress, Blogger or Tumblr.

One thing to keep in mind is that blogging requires time and effort so you need to plan your content in advance. And be sure to read google terms and regulations to get updated on the latest news!

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing can be a great alternative, but you’ll need to make sure you’re targeting the right audience.

In short, affiliate marketing is when you recommend the right product to the right audience. An example is when someone buys a product on Amazon using your affiliate link, you get a commission from the sale.

Graphic Design

If you have a background in graphic design, you can use your skills to create infographics, social media graphics, logos, animations, video editing and other marketing graphics for clients.

The sky is the limit when it comes to creating graphics for your audience.

As a side note, you can also create your own graphics with tools like Canva, Adobe, or Envato.


You can write articles for blogs, websites, or any other magazines or newspapers. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr can find clients that are willing to pay you for your talent and services.

For example, you can write articles about a topic that you are passionate about or that you have expertise in. 

Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant, you will be performing administrative tasks such as creating invoices, sending emails, scheduling appointments, and many more.

Virtual assistants are great because they can be anywhere and they can work from home.

There are a lot of people out there that are willing to pay for your help, so it is a great way to make money and be your own boss.


Traditional Income Ideas

If you prefer a more traditional income source, you can start a side hustle or a full-time/part-time job. It’s good to have a busy schedule, but it is also good to find a healthy balance between work and play.

You can also make things such as vegetables, herbs, eggs, and honey as well as trade for goods that you need, such as tools, clothing, shelter, and even bartering!

Handmade Goods

Handmade DIY goods are a great way to build a brand and create a community around your brand.

If you are good at sewing, you can make your own clothes or create a line of your own clothes and sell your goods on local marketplaces or eBay.

Other ideas include: Custom leather products, decorative products, scented soap and candles.


Another great source of income is to be a plumber. You can make a living from this job by fixing water pipes, toilets, and other home appliances.

There are many people who are willing to pay for the services that plumbers provide, so you can make a great living as a plumber.


As an electrician, you can install and repair electrical wiring and electrical equipment.

Solar energy and other renewable sources have increasing popularity and if you can offer your expertise in such fields, you can earn a good living.

There are many people who need the services that electricians provide, such as homeowners, contractors, and commercial businesses.


If you have a green thumb and a love for nature, you can start a small farm and grow your own food. 

Consider starting with raising chickens, goats, or other livestock. Fresh produce like goat milk and eggs can be sold to the local grocery store or restaurants. 


If you love to spend your time in the garden, you can start your own small business by growing vegetables, flowers, or herbs.

As with being a gardener, you can start with a small garden or buy a plot of land. Especially with off-grid living, this makes a great fit.


As a locksmith, you can help people with the installation and repair of locks and keys. You can also repair and maintain home and pick up business security systems along the way.

Locksmiths are in high demand and there are a lot of people who need their services.


If you love nature and the outdoors, you can start a small landscaping business. You can create your own unique garden designs and sell them to local businesses.

You can also create designs for commercial landscaping projects.

Freelance Work

As a freelancer, you can work with any type of client and do any type of work. You can do work for yourself or you can work for other people.

A good freelance job can be a great way to earn extra money.

Final Note

Living off-grid requires a great deal of planning and dedication. A stable income is one of those things you’ll need whether you’re off-grid or not. Other than those covered in this list, there are other professions or skilled trades that can earn you a good income. With constant self-upgrading, you can find a way to earn a good living no matter where you live.

The good news is there are plenty of resources out there as well as a helpful community who will help guide you through the process if you choose to take on this type of lifestyle challenge!

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